Cosmetic Raw Materials
Natural Nutritional Ingredients
Food Ingredient

Bioway's Mission

  • Our commitment to your health and taste buds goes beyond following a vegan diet. We value your lifestyle by avoiding artificial ingredients, fillers and any animal products.


    Our commitment to your health and taste buds goes beyond following a vegan diet. We value your lifestyle by avoiding artificial ingredients, fillers and any animal products.
  • We believe in working with the Earth's natural resources to bring you the best products. At Bioway Organic Group, we prioritize organic and non-GMO ingredients wherever possible.

    Earth Friendly

    We believe in working with the Earth's natural resources to bring you the best products. At Bioway Organic Group, we prioritize organic and non-GMO ingredients wherever possible.
  • By using high-quality ingredients formulated for optimal absorption, we help your body function at its highest level. We pride ourselves on providing the best service so you can too.


    By using high-quality ingredients formulated for optimal absorption, we help your body function at its highest level. We pride ourselves on providing the best service so you can too.

Featured Products

Bioway is committed to providing the highest quality organic products to meet the growing demand for nutritious organic foods.

  • Plant-based Protein&peptides Plant-based Protein&peptides

    Plant-based Protein&peptides

  • Cosmetic Raw Materials Cosmetic Raw Materials

    Cosmetic Raw Materials

  • Natural Nutritional Ingredients Natural Nutritional Ingredients

    Natural Nutritional Ingredients

  • Organic Mushroom Products Organic Mushroom Products

    Organic Mushroom Products

  • Organic Plant Extract Organic Plant Extract

    Organic Plant Extract

  • Fruit and Vegetable Powder Fruit and Vegetable Powder

    Fruit and Vegetable Powder

  • Herbals &Spices &FlowerTea Herbals &Spices &FlowerTea

    Herbals &Spices &FlowerTea

  • Food Ingredient Food Ingredient

    Food Ingredient

Why Choose Us

Our main focus is the research, production and sale of organic raw materials worldwide.

Bioway News

Welcome to Bioway Bloggers, we are committed to sharing high-quality nutrition knowledge and exploring the healthy and happy lifestyle with you.

  • What Does Pea Fiber Do3

    What Does Pea Fiber Do?

    Pea fiber, a natural dietary supplement derived from yellow peas, has gained significant attention in recent years for its numerous health benefits and versatile applications. This plant-based fiber is known for its ability to support digestive health, promote weight man...

  • What is Brown Rice Protein Nutrition5

    What is Brown Rice Protein Nutrition?

    Brown rice protein has gained significant popularity in recent years as a plant-based alternative to animal-derived protein sources. This nutritional powerhouse is derived from brown rice, a whole grain known for its high fiber content and nutritional value. Brown rice p...

  • 火麻仁4

    What is Organic Hemp Protein Powder Good For?

    Organic hemp protein powder has gained significant popularity in recent years as a plant-based protein supplement. Derived from hemp seeds, this protein powder offers a range of nutritional benefits and versatile applications. As more people seek alternatives to animal-b...

  • Is Organic Rice Protein Good for You5

    Is Organic Rice Protein Good for You?

    Organic rice protein has gained popularity in recent years as a plant-based protein source, especially among vegans, vegetarians, and those with dietary restrictions. As more people become health-conscious and seek alternatives to animal-based proteins, it's natural to w...

  • Is Angelica Root Extract Good for the Kidneys1

    Is Angelica Root Extract Good for the Kidneys?

    Angelica root extract has been used in traditional medicine for centuries, particularly in Chinese and European herbal practices. Recently, there has been growing interest in its potential benefits for kidney health. While scientific research is still ongoing, some studi...

  • Is Hibiscus Powder Toxic to Liver3

    Is Hibiscus Powder Toxic to Liver?

    Hibiscus powder, derived from the vibrant Hibiscus sabdariffa plant, has gained popularity in recent years for its potential health benefits and use in various culinary applications. However, as with any herbal supplement, questions about its safety and potential side ef...

  • Are Pumpkin Seeds a Good Source of Protein4

    Are Pumpkin Seeds a Good Source of Protein?

    Pumpkin seeds, also known as pepitas, have been gaining popularity as a nutritious snack and ingredient in recent years. Many people are turning to these small, green seeds not just for their delicious nutty flavor, but also ...

  • Can You Build Muscle on Pea Protein1

    Can You Build Muscle on Pea Protein?

    Pea protein has gained significant popularity in recent years as a plant-based alternative to traditional animal protein sources. Many athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness enthusiasts are turning to pea protein to support their muscle-building goals. But can you really bu...

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